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Direct Register Shares from ING

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

ING does not direct register shares, so you need to transfer your shares to another broker that can DRS transfer.

If you bought your shares via ING and used "Direkthandel" (direct trade) as the marketplace to buy your shares, you actually own shares with the symbol GS2C (instead of GME). Those are GameStop shares, but the german version of it.

Please Note; if you have GS2C shares, you can convert them to GME and transfer to IBKR at the same time using this guide.

Step 1 - Prepare your IBKR account for incoming money:

  • To pay for all the fees you'll need $15(US) in your IBKR account $5(US) for the transfer to Computershare.

  • Login to your IBKR account.

  • From the top menu click "Transfer & Pay" then "Transfer Funds".

  • Click on "Make a Deposit".

  • Next to "Select the Currency you want to Deposit" choose "Euro (EUR)".

  • Choose "Bank Wire" by clicking on "Get Instructions".

  • Fill out the form on the next page:

    • "Save Bank Information" - choose "YES" if you think you'll transfer money to IBKR later again, otherwise choose "NO".

    • "Sending Institution" - the name of the bank you transfer the money from. If you transfer the money from ING, then put ING here.

    • "Account Number" - the IBAN of the bank account you want to transfer money from. If it's a ING account it should start with DE0950010517.

    • "Account Nickname" - this is just the nickname your banking info will be saved as if you choose to "Save Bank Information", pick any nickname you want.

    • "Deposit Amount" - the amount of EUR you want to wire to IBKR, should at least be the equivalent to $15(US), but you should transfer a bit more since there is a small fee to convert currency.

    • "Make this a recurring transaction?" - leave unchecked.

    • Click on "Get Wire Instructions".

    • On the next page IBKR will present you the transfer instructions like the IBAN of the receiving IBKR account (which is officially a J.P. Morgan account, should start with "DE725011..."), the reference (usually your IBKR account number and your name, i.e. "U1234567 / yourfirstname yourlastname") etc.

Step 2 - Wire at least the equivalent of 15 USD to IBKR:

  • Now that IBKR knows there will be money wired to your IBKR account, it's time to transfer that money.

  • Wire transfer the amount of EUR you put in the IBKR form, and from the bank account you put in the IBKR form. Make sure the receivers IBAN and the reference are exactly the ones IBKR gave you in the instructions.

Wait until the money arrives at IBKR (usually takes 1-2 business days), go on with step 3 while waiting.

Step 3 - Transfer your GME shares from ING to IBKR

While waiting for the money to arrive in your IBKR account you can initiate the transfer of your shares from ING to IBKR. To do this you should initiate the process from your IBKR account.

  • Login to your IBKR account.

  • From the top menu click "Transfer & Pay", then "Transfer Positions".

  • Click "Incoming".

  • Under "Select Region" - choose "All Other Regions".

  • Click "SELECT" next to "Free of Payment Transfer of Global Securites".

  • Fill out the form:

    • ''Financial Institution" - choose "ING DIBA".

    • "Your Account Number at the Financial Institution" - put in your ING Direktdepot number (NOT your ING IBAN!), it should be a 10 digit number.

    • "Name of Account Holder at Financial Institution" - put in your name exactly as it is known to ING.

    • "Account Type" - choose "Individual".

    • "Country of Financial Institution" - choose "Germany".

    • "Contact email of your Financial Institution" - put in (This email is for bank use only)

    • "Save Financial Institution Information" - choose "YES" so you don't have to fill out this form again if you want to transfer again later.

    • Click on "Add Asset".

    • For "Asset Type" choose "Stock".

    • For "Search Type" choose "Search by ISIN".

    • For "ISIN" put in US36467W1099.

    • Leave "Exchange" blank.

    • Cick on "Search".

    • There should be 2 search results - pick "Stock GAMESTOP CORP-CLASS A/IBIS.

    • EUR ISIN: US36467W1099|Symbol: GS2C|CUSIP:36467W109.

    • For "Type" choose "Long".

    • For "Shares" type in the amount of shares you want to transfer from ING to IBKR.

    • Click "Save and Finish".

  • Now an auto-generated form should show up (saying "I, [your name], hereby request delivery of the following account positions to Interactive Brokers for benefit of my account [your IBKR account number].....etc").

  • Print this form, sign it and scan it, or save this form, add a scanned signature of yours at the bottom where it says "Customer Signature" using your favorite PDF/paint software. Then save it again .

  • Send that signed form via email to

    • For the subject write: Transfer out resquest (ING account number).

    • For the email text you can use something like:

Dear ING staff, I hereby request a transfer of [AMOUNT OF SHARES TO TRANSFER TO IBKR] shares of GS2C (ISIN: US36467W1099) from my ING account number [YOUR ING DIREKTDEPOT NUMBER] to my account at Interactive Broker (account number: [ IBKR ACCOUNT NUMBER]). I already informed Interactive Brokers about an incoming share transfer from ING. Attached you'll find the IBKR Letter of Instruction signed by me. Regards, "[YOUR NAME]"

  • OR in german (probably easier for ING): „Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Ich beantrage eine Uebertragung von [AMOUNT OF SHARES TO TRANSFER] Aktien GS2C (ISIN: US36467W1099) von meinem ING-Direktdepot mit der Nummer [ING DEPOT NUMBER, see 3.f] auf mein Depot bei der Interactive Brokers mit der Depotnummer [IBKR ACCOUNT NUMBER]. Ein entsprechender Antrag bei der Interactive Brokers fuer eingehende Aktien ist dort bereits gestellt. Das unterschriebene Uebertragungsformular der Interactive Brokers finden Sie im Anhang. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, "[YOUR NAME]"

  • Once your shares are transfered from ING to IBKR, you'll get an email from ING. Shortly after that you should get an email from IBKR too. Don't rely on this, check your IBKR account from time to time. This transfer can take a couple of days to three weeks (or even longer, depending on how busy ING is).

Step 4 - Convert your EUR to USD at IBKR:

Once the money shows in your IBKR account, you have to convert it from EUR to USD since IBKR only accepts USD as payment for fees.

  • Login to your IBKR account.

  • From the top menu click on "Portfolio".

  • Click on "Cash Report".

  • You should see the amount of EUR you transfered to IBKR in step 2.

  • If you move the mouse over the EUR amount you should see a three dot menu on the right side, or just click on "Convert Currency" on the left hand side menu.

  • For "FROM" choose EUR.

  • For "TO" choose USD.

  • "FROM"/"Enter Amount" - enter the amount of EUR you want to convert to USD, make sure it will be at least 15 USD after the conversion.

  • Click "Submit".

  • A warning might pop up, accept it.

  • A currency conversion needs to settle, so even if your shares from ING already arrived at IBKR, you'll need to wait 3 business days before you can continue.

Step 5 - Finally - transfer your GME shares to CS

  • When your IBKR account shows GME, you are ready to transfer these shares to Computershare.

  • Go to our IBKR guide here and scroll down to "How to Transfer". You can follow the instructions here.


If you have any corrections, or know of any other brokers, please let us know through the feedback page!


DRSGME does not give financial advice. Each investor is responsible for their own decisions.

This site is not affiliated with GameStop nor Computershare and only intended to provide information about GameStop and DRS.


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