How to Terminate enrollment in DirectStock
Computershare offers a variety of services to client issuers. One of those services is the DirectStock plan, a proprietary offering which allows for investors to purchase through Computershare directly at the market and also allows for dividend reinvestment.
Many companies, including GameStop, have DirectStock as an enrollment option for investors who hold shares through their chosen transfer agent.
You can review the DirectStock plan brochure here, and you can check if a company supports DirectStock on that company's plan summary page.
Some investors may be interested, for a variety of reasons, to disengage from the DirectStock plan and hold shares in book designation only. This step by step guide will walk you through how to terminate enrollment with the DirectStock plan.
Step 1:
Log in to the Investor Center.
Step 2:
Find your Portfolio details on the home page. First hit “View Details”, and then find the line labeled “Plan Holdings” and select “Actions”. Finally, select “Account Details” from the top of the list.
Step 3:
After selecting your account details page, first expand the drop down titled “Reinvestment Plan” and then select the button on the right labeled “Manage Participation”.

Step 4:
This will bring you to your plan management page – where you will be able to review any plan participation you currently have. In this example, there is no recurring investment on the account. You may see details for yours if you have a recurring investment set up. You can also review the DirectStock brochure from this screen. To continue with ending your enrollment in the DirectStock plan, select “Terminate”.
*Note- if you have previously terminated the DSPP and stopped the sale of your fractional, the "Terminate" button may not appear for you. In this case, follow these steps:
1.Under the "Summary" page, click on the "What would you like to do?" tab.
2. Click on "Manage Investment Plan", then click on "Enroll."
3.On the next page type in your email. Type it in again in the next box to confirm email.
4. On the next page review that the information is correct, agree to the Terms and Conditions by clicking the bottom two boxes on the page. Then hit "Submit."
5. The next page is the Confirmation page! Click "Back to Plan Maintenance."
6. You should now see the "Terminate" button, and you can continue to next step in this guide.
Step 5:

There is more information available to you about these choices by clicking the question marks. That information is detailed in these pictures.
In order to move forward, you first will need to select the “Terminate Plan” option. You will also need to check the box to acknowledge that fractional shares will be sold and whole shares will remain in your account. After checking the box, select “Terminate” to continue.

Step 6:
Your DirectStock enrollment will now be terminated.
At this time, you should receive a confirmation number and a summary, along with an option to "Return to Plan Maintenance."
Notice the "Not enrolled" status.