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Het WhyDRS informatiepakket

Dit document is door het WhyDRS-team overhandigd aan de huidige voorzitter van de SEC, Gary Gensler, in een poging de voordelen van de DRS onder de aandacht te brengen.

The Chain of Ownership Types vertical.png
Abstract DRS Purple Wash.jpg
Abstract DRS Purple Wash.jpg

Further Reading

"Purchases made through the issuer (or its transfer agent) of securities you intend to hold in DRS are usually executed under the guidelines of an issuer’s stock purchase plan, which uses a broker-dealer to execute the orders. Thus, to hold in DRS once the securities are acquired, you would need to instruct the transfer agent to move the securities from the issuer plan to DRS."

“Purchases made through the issuer (or its transfer agent) of securities you intend to hold in direct registration are usually executed under the guidelines of the issuer’s stock purchase plan. You’ll need to instruct the transfer agent to move the securities to the DRS.”


"An investor can, at any time, withdraw all or part of their shares in DSPP book-entry form and have them added to their DRS holding (for example after a DSPP purchase settles) without a fee"


DRSGME geeft geen financieel advies. Elke belegger is verantwoordelijk voor zijn eigen beslissingen.

Deze site is niet gelieerd aan GameStop of Computershare en is alleen bedoeld om informatie te verstrekken over GameStop en DRS.



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