Voting on Proposals
Being eligible to vote on a proposal requires that you owned the NFT at the time the proposal was created. Even if you transfer the NFT after the proposal is made, you are still eligible to vote on it. If you receive an NFT after a proposal is made, you are not eligible to vote. Voting power is counted by the DAO's NFT's held in Loopring Layer 2. If you move your NFT to layer 1 or some other layer then it will not be eligible. Proposals will be created at (powered by, and you'll need to connect your wallet to the site in order to vote on a proposal.
Connecting your wallet
To connect your wallet to the Snapshot site, you'll want to interact with this connect button:

Several options will come up, and you will be prompted for how to connect. Below will be details about how to connect with Loopring and Gamestop wallets. If you've managed to setup Loopring L2 with a different wallet then it is assumed you can also connect to a dApp like Snapshot.
Connecting Gamestop & MetaMask
To connect your GameStop Wallet with, select the 'Injected' option:

Your GameStop wallet will open to prompt for approving the connection. When submitting a vote, your GameStop wallet will prompt to approve the signing of a message.
Please note: If you have multiple wallets installed, this option might be unavailable. For example, if you have both MetaMask and GameStop installed then you will see 'MetaMask' as an option instead of 'Injected'.
Connecting Loopring Wallet
To connect to Snapshot with the Loopring Wallet, use the "WalletConnect" feature:

From a different device go to this link and click the "Join" button. Click "WalletConnect". Click "QR code" at the top of the box. Keep the QR displayed, and go to the Loopring Wallet on your phone.
In the Loopring Wallet on your phone, click the highlighted icon in the screenshot to the right to capture the displayed QR code (make sure Loopring has camera access on your phone). You will be prompted to approve the connection to After approving, your wallet will be connected to the site.

A couple of notes about the "WalletConnect" functionality. It's a bit clunky. This is neither the fault of Loopring or Snapshot. The functionality is provided by a third party open source library, and this imposes limitations on both companies for how well this can work. The Loopring wallet will eventually "forget" that you've connected to the site. On the upside, will not. At some point in the future, you will have to fiddle with telling snapshot to disconnect and then connect the wallet again. Once you've got it reconnected, everything will be fine.
When voting on a proposal, go to the first device you linked to snapshot through and cast your vote. Then, your phone will prompt you to approve a message through your wallet. This action is signing a message, and is free to do as it is not a transaction.
Casting Votes
When casting your vote, the total number of NFT's held is the number of votes you get for every proposal. NFT's are not spent in order to cast your vote in a proposal. Make sure your voice is heard by voting in every proposal.